The Charlotte 49ers partnered with HOK and Jenkins-Peer to develop an Athletics Facilities Master Vision.
We were guided by several principles:
- Our plan should address facility needs for all current and future sports
- The plan should be informed by input from all key user groups - student-athletes, coaches, staff, the University, and fans
- Long-term Vision - a 12-15 year roadmap
- Best interests of our student-athletes is the top priority

One of the primary reasons to craft an athletics facilities master vision is to be strategic about the sequence of facility projects - to be intentional and understand how they all fit together, as well as create efficiencies.
As you review this plan, it's important to note that we have identified a Phase I group of projects. Phase I needs to be completed to unlock the additional projects contained within.

The intent of this Athletics Facilities Master Vision is to create a 12-15 year roadmap for Charlotte 49ers athletics and to prioritize and sequence the projects along with our fundraising approach. The projects identified in Phase I are necessary to fuel our transition to the American Athletic Conference and include plans for the addition of our 19th sport - women's lacrosse.
Two of the projects are already underway or completed - including improvements to the football locker room and the addition of a softball locker room and clubhouse facility.
Additional projects that are prioritized in Phase I include the following:
- Jerry Richardson Stadium - renovation and expansion that will include the addition of suites, loge boxes, club seats, a new hospitality space, as well as new working space for media and broadcasting. This phase projects to increase Richardson Stadium capacity to 18,170, with a goal of additional capacity to 21,000 seats.
- Robert & Mariam Hayes Stadium - team clubhouse facility that will include team offices, lockers and lounge, meeting space, training room, and will allow women's lacrosse to occupy vacated space in the Wells Fargo Fieldhouse.
- New Soccer and Lacrosse Stadium - located at site of current soccer practice field, this facility will be the eventual home of the Niner soccer and lacrosse programs and will move fans closer to the field in a state-of-the art facility.
- Men's & Women's Basketball Locker Room Renovations - Enhancements to the men's and women's basketball locker rooms will give our 49ers space and amenities befitting a championship program.
Phase I projects will pave the way for the addition of women's lacrosse and provide additional revenue opportunities at Richardson Stadium to continue to fund our growth as we enter the American Athletic Conference.
The total investment required to complete Phase I is $101,950,000.
To learn how to invest in the EverGreen Athletics Facilities Master Vision,
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